our Pro Tools
Whether you are an artist, label, publisher or distributor our solutions are designed to save you time to make you more money.
Original Work
Channel with custom pricing & global payments by Stripe & Ticketing by Eventbrite
- 7% Bushido Fee
- 3% Stripe Fee
- $0.30 per transaction
Derivative Work
White label channel with global payments by Stripe & Ticketing by Eventbrite
- Label Fee
- Publisher Fee
- 7% Bushido Fee
- 3% Stripe Fee
- $0.30 per transaction
Catalog upload & management, optimisations, access to pre cleared library
- 1% Bushido Fee
- 3% Payment Fee
Stage One
to clear publishing
to clear masters
Fees Include
Consultation and research
Formal submission of request
Stage Two
to clear publishing
to clear masters
Fees Include
Deal memos
Label Copy
Request formal license agreements
Payment & Delivery
Pre clear tracks for sampling and remixes at scale to increase royalty streams and reach new audiences
Save countless hours / days
Save thousands
Rest easy knowing you are free from legal issues, DCMA takedown notices
Feel good knowing you are doing the right thing by paying rights holders
or 10 % on the release
Here, you can compare diverse service plans, each crafted with distinct features and functionalities in mind